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Saturday, 28 September 2013

Spooky Sentences

My first day of holidays and I am exhausted, the last week of school was very, very, very busy!  You can read about it here.

So what did I do on my first official day of the holidays....I finished a file for TpT, yes my life is that exciting! Actually I have really enjoyed just staying on the couch and not doing much at all.  We have not planned ANYTHING for these holidays so I will be taking the kids out and about in our area to find some fun things to do.

Heading into October I am sure there are many teachers looking at Halloween activities, so you might like to pop into my store and check out this Spooky Sentence Starters and Foldable Halloween books.

All you need to do is to print and use, so easy and quick!  The sentence strips can be cut and glued into writing journals/books and then the student finishes them, they can then draw a picture to go with their writing.  I would have students read their sentences to each other or use them as a whole class Halloween book.

I love how the foldable books came out!  There are 2 options, 1 has some text and gives students a word to fill in and the other has no text or pictures so that students can write their own story.  

For a very limited time I am offering this as 50% off, so click on one of the pics above to go straight to my store and get a Halloween bargain!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Toys Were Us!

This week has been kicking my butt big time friends!  We are in our last week of school here and the class I have been in for the last 3 weeks has been working hard over the last 2 weeks getting ready for our toy exhibition!  Yes you heard it right, we exhibited toys!
Each student had to design and then build a toy that included a moving part (this was a connection to their Physical Science unit they had been studying with their regular teacher)  So the kiddos and I got busy designing, creating, making.  We used recycled materials from home or from some I had bought in to share.

There were some kiddos who had to go back to the proverbial drawing board and change parts of their design as they were creating.  I was very proud of how they helped each other and gave feedback to each other on ways they could improve the design and I tell you what some of these kiddos are VERY clever!
So I have put together a few photo collages because I only took like a thousand a few pics to share with their regular teacher when she gets back from her holidays.

Here are some of the kiddos getting their designs together, so much paint went on to these toys.  We also papier mached, glued, stapled, name a fastener, we used it!

 Here we are waiting for some parents to come in and then interacting with parents

It was an exciting and exhausting day but I will definitely claim it as a roaring success!  We had many parents and grandparents turn up and we awarded a People's choice award and a Principals Award.  We gave parents 2 votes so 1 for their child and 1 to a child that didn't have a parent turn up.   Of course I used some awesome graphics and fonts to design the awards...but I can't show them because they have the schools name on them.

So one more day to go and then holidays for me!! Yay!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Five for Friday!


This week at school has been busy, busy, busy!  We still have one week to go before our end of term break

We finished our weekend in Launceston last weekend with a night out at the Pizza Pub, we totally got photo bombed by our son!  Cheeky devil.

We had a Walkathon to raise money for a new cabinet to display our Wall of Fame Awards, I have no idea how far we walked but I was pooped!  Oh I also forgot to take photos.....but the next day we wrote a recount and this young man cracked me up!  See if you can spot it!

We have been focussing on toys and how they move as well as looking at the history of toys.  These graphs represented the toys that Mums and Dad or Grandparents played with.....gotta tell ya, some of it made me feel old, who remembers wood hula hoops?

We looked at ways to make the ow sound as well, this was a list that we made of all the ow sounds we could find while we were reading. 

We have also been designing and making our own toys with one of the criteria being that it had to have a moving part.  This little man is making a lion mask and is using a party blower as the tongue (he is painting it red in the first pic)  I found they are very hard to unravel with wet paint on them.

We ended the week with pizza night, that little lion on my shoulder is Jaspurr, he likes pizza too!

Now it is your turn to link up, head over to Doodle Bugs to add your link!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Five For Friday

I missed linking up last week because I was busy with family.  Technically some of these pics are from last week but had to be included as the last week and a half has just been huge for me and my family, so here goes

 Finding and meeting my sister that was adopted out as a child has been the best thing that has happened to our family.  We have been very blessed and lucky to have this opportunity, you can read about it here

Technically it is Spring here in Australia but one morning we woke up to the lightest snow flurries on our fences and cars as well as on the hills in the distance....not fun.  The snow melted away when the freezing rain came in.  What Spring???

We had some fun in class playing loads of card games including war and making large and low numbers.

 We had a fantastic weekend up at our block in the North of the state.  We needed to check some fences and make a list of maintenance.  It is our long term dream  plan to move here and build a house.

I had a winner for my Pin it to Win it competition yesterday, there is already and email in your inbox Cherie!

Hope you all had a good week, see you next week


BTW I do know that I am late linking up.....but am hoping that people won't notice, yes I am talking about all of you!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Pin it to Win it!

Only a few more days to take advantage of this great deal we have with Educents.  Over 1400 pages of activities that you can easily implement that will get you through your day!

How about a little fun with our Educents bundle?  Let's Pin In, To Win It!  That's right.  Pin any image from this blog post and enter to win any product from my store!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

There are so many great products in the bundle... which will you pin?  


If you are ready to purchase, click below and head on over!  

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


First I would like to thank you all for your lovely comments about my family post yesterday, if you didn't see it you can read it here.

The next thing I wanted to let you know about is a file I have updated, if you have purchased Higher or Lower Place Value game, make sure you head back to your My Purchases page and re download the file. This was one of the first files I put up in TpT and I have to tell you I had no clue what I was doing, it needed a serious overhaul.  So I have updated the graphics, added some extra place value cards and recording sheets. Take a look and click on the pic to check it out in my store.

While you are here don't forget that you have about 5 days left to bag yourself a bargain from educents, head on over to get $138 worth of Kinder Curriculum for only $29.99.  Just click on the pic below to check out the comprehensive packs included.