I am linking up this week with
Doodlebugs Five for Friday.
1.Well this week started reallllllyyyy slow, I was at home for 3 days with no calls for subbing, boo! So I took the opportunity to get out and about and went for some long walks, I am an intermittent exerciser at best. We have a nice beach near us so I headed into the crazy wind we are having here and powerwalked for what seemed like hours but was only 40 minutes, this was one of the little treasures I spied on my walk
2.I did manage to finish a file and upload, it was my Place Value Pumpkin Patch that I used in class this week
3.Well after I got through the boredom of no teaching days, it was my 2 days on my grade 2 class, and boy did we fit a mountain of learning in over those 2 days, here's what we covered,
Place Value of course!
Here are the number expanders, folding them was a little tricky but when I showed them how to match up the lines they had it going.
They just LOVED read the room! They were so busy trying to find the matching cards, I will put this out as a matching centre next week.
The pumpkin flip book was also a huge hit! When we had finished with place value they were begging for more of these FUN activities, huh who would have thought place value was fun?
4. This term we are looking at narratives, my teaching partner is going to be teaching them the structure of a narrative and I am going to be focussing on the features of narratives, authors purpose etc. So we started with a whole class book sort on the IWB (not pretty I know but did the job!) then they had to do their own investigations
We will be continuing with this next week as well.
5. Finally we finished the week with some Art. This term we are going to focus on famous artists and their works. We looked at Wassilly Kandinsky and of course his most famous painting Concentric Circles in Squares. We used this as an inspiration to create our own circles but our circles had to represent 1 year of our lives and then the colours had to represent that age, so what colour would represent a baby, toddler, starting school etc. I just loved how they turned out, we are putting them together as a class mural.
Well that was my week! I am off to write some job applications for next year now, oh the fun never ends!
Have a great weekend!