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Monday, 28 October 2013

Crazy Koalas helping out!

I was so inspired by Mel @ From the Pond raising money for the injured wildlife, I thought I would jump in to give her a hand.  I have used Mel's adorable Koala clipart to create this fun doubling game, my kiddos played it today and just loved it!  It has 3 different levels of play so you are able to make a whole class set that is able to be differentiated.  The first level has doubling plus 1, the second level had doubling plus 1 and 2 and doubling take 1 and 2, the third level requires a 7-12 dice and has doubling plus 1 and 2 and doubling take 1 and 2.  I have included a spinner for each level of game as well.  Here are a few pics of the kiddos enjoying the game.

They loved having the challenge of using bigger numbers to double.

They used a pencil and paper clip for the spinner.  

The exciting part about this is that I have decided to donate 100% profits to help Mel with her fundraising efforts, so any purchases of this game will go toward helping injured wildlife from the recent devastating NSW fires.  Just click on the pic above to go to my store for your copy.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great and has so many options, will definitely check it out!
