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Saturday 31 August 2013

Five for Friday

Whew, what a busy week this has been!  I am linking up with Doodlebugs Five for Friday linky.


Tomorrow is Fathers Day in Australia and my class has been making these beautiful portraits of their Dad's with a lovely list of what Dad likes on the back.  We laminated them and then put some silvery ribbon on it to hang.

I can't remember where I got this template for these super cool coffee mug cards but the kiddos loved making them to go with our Fathers poem coasters (which I forgot to take a photo of!!!)


We made these cool flip books to go with our Looking up at Trees paintings.
The kiddos had to think of 4 adjectives to describe their paining then write the adjective on the flip part and the noun it was describing on the inside part.  So it would read "When I look up I (flip) leaves etc.  The last line had to have trees in it.  I love how they worked on these and they loved making the flippy book!  

I got some fantastic news this week that made my heart smile and dance.

I finished this little baby that is an update of an ollldd file, look out for it soon!

Well, your turn to link up!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Five For Friday

Woohoo!  This is the second week I have managed to link up :)


This was the view out of the window of the office of our Support Teacher who I was subbing for on Tuesday.  Nice view huh.  I really covered some miles that day working with kids from Prep to Year 5.

I finished this pack!

and my kids really enjoyed using it!

 We created this piece of awesome art, titled Looking up at Trees

My addiction......

Technically this is from Saturday, but thought I would include it because it is the first nice sunny day we have had all week!  The dogs really enjoyed the run on the beach and so did the kids.  Our black brindle boy is called Sully after the monster in Monsters Inc because he looks quite scary but is a sooky softie really.  Our red female is called Bella, they love to play with the kids.

Just click on the Five for Friday pic for the link to link up!  Enjoy your weekend 

Friday 23 August 2013

Guest blogging

If you are looking for me today I am a guest over at Tonya's Treats for Teachers blog for her Friday Freebie series.

 Hop on over to check out my post and freebie!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Looking up at trees....

Hi friends and welcome to my new followers!  I hope you enjoy stopping in here often!

Today I wanted to show you an art lesson I have done today with my year 2's.  We have been talking about lines and perspective.  So I showed them this picture I found on Pinterest (click on the pic for the pin address)

 Unfortunately we couldn't go outside because it is FREEZING here and it rained today which made the ground icky...also I did not want to hear back from parents that I was irresponsible....I just do not need that.

We discussed the size of the trunk near the edge of the photo and the size of the trunk as it got taller.  We also talked about how you can see some individual leaves and then some that look like a green mass.

Then it was their turn to produce a piece of art titled "Looking up at Trees"  They had to draw in the trunks and the sky and then use their thumbs to mix some yellow and blue paint to create a green shade, they repeated this process throughout the painting to create different hues.  Then they used thumbprints to make the leaves.  Here are a few for your perusal....

I love them!  
I plan on doing a poem to go with them using adjectives for students to show their understanding of how to use adjectives.  

Speaking of adjectives it has been a focus for my students the last couple of weeks and to help students explore the different types of adjectives I created this sorting activity.  Here is a sneak peek before it goes up in my store.....soon......

I can't wait to share their poems with you!  Hopefully they will be ready by next week!  Have to go the hubs is making fruit cake and I sense disaster...

Monday 19 August 2013

BTS purchases and wishlisting!

Well, just in case you didn't know, there is a big sale on at knew didn't you!

I have already had an awesome time shopping and wanted to share a few things I have bought before I go back for round 2!
Check out these super scientific kids from Mel!

Scientist Stick Kids - Clipart for Teaching

I don't know what I am going to do with them yet.....but I had to have them!

Chalk Alphabet / Blackboard Alphabet - Graphics From the Pond

Chalk Alphabet from Mel @ From the Pond as well

From AliMath

Energy Workstations Task Cards - Science Experiments/Rotations

15 Great Science Experiments for Elementary Classrooms

From Aisne's Creations

Spaced Out Clipart

Solar System Clipart Pack

Looks like I will be creating some Science products, heehee
To check out any of these fab products just click on the pic to go to the store :)

There will be more to come, moving more things from my wishlist to my cart!  
 Don't forget there is still time to get in and bag a bargain!  Just click on the BTS button to go to MY store for 20% off everything!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Winners are grinners!

A quick post today to let you know the winners of our fantabulous BTS with Friends blog hop!  Congratulations to these winners and check you inbox for an email with your prizes.

Don't forget to head over to TpT to check out the huge BTS sale!

You can get yourself 20% off at my store and then use the promo code BTS13 for an extra 10% off.  Now is the time to clear that wishlist and bag a bundle of bargains!
Just click on the button below (created by Mel @ From the Pond)  below to go to my store

Saturday 17 August 2013

5 for Friday

I am linking up with Doodlebugs for my very first 5 for Friday


1. My daughter got her Masterchef on and whipped up these chocolatey bowls of yumminess

(That is our cat Jaspurr, he did not get any, but look how intently he is looking at that cream!)

2. My kiddos used Brooke's domino carpark to help them with addition and doubles.  Click here to go to her blog Teachable Moments to get your copy....they loved it, they were sooooo quiet trying to find the right domino!

3. I was able to be part of this fantastic blog hop with some wonderful friends :)

4. I went shopping for some end of Winter bargains....I

 I love the long grey ones because the wedge heel means I won't sink in the grass on playground duty and it makes me officially reach 5ft :)

5. Of course I am participating in the upcoming BTS site wide sale at Teachers Pay Teachers, 20% off EVERYTHING!

PS, thanks to Mel @ From the Pond for the frames and the heart!

Thursday 15 August 2013

Back to School With Friends blog hop

Hi Friends
with some of you heading back to school what better way to celebrate than with a Blog hop full of freebies and give aways.  Now you may have noticed that the title of this blog hop says Back To School with Friends, we are not only talking about the friends you have at school but also the friends you have out in blogland.
I have been soooo fortunate to have made connections with people that I feel privileged to now call my friends.  It is so uplifting to know that there is a group of gals I can count on for a chat or support or just someone to say, "Yep, we know what  you mean" and guess what they do and they are there on a daily basis.  I have even been lucky enough to have met up with one of my bloggy friends Emma Farrell and hope to meet more.
If you have come here first make sure you go back to the beginning to visit Mel @ From the Pond to start the hop

Frog Spot Blog From the Pond

What do you need to do?

Visit all the blogs on the hop (there are only 7!)

What do you get?

At each stop there will be a Rafflecopter for you to enter and win a value of between $10 - $20 to spend at that person's store

Is that it?

Well no!

Then what else?

The bonus of visiting each blog is that you will be able to collect a free file.  Once you have collected all the files you will be able to piece them together and create an awesome BTS Welcome Poster/Wall Display for you and your kiddies to colour!

Click here to see how to assemble and what it will look like! (Thanks so much to our girl Mel @ Graphics from the Pond.)

Anything else?

You are a bit demanding aren't you?  Well there is one more thing....

Now that you are here you get an EXTRA bonus....What?  That's right there's more..... a brand new set of steak knives....not interested?  Really?  Ok, how about entering the Rafflecopter below to have a chance at winning  a $50 voucher for TpT or a $50 voucher to Amazon!  Maybe you could buy a set of steak knives :)

So make sure you enter both Rafflecopters , the first name chosen will win the TpT voucher and the second name drawn will win the Amazon voucher!  Then click on the pic to download your free BTS poster.....Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Download your free BTS poster here! Just click on the pic

(of course the frame is from Graphics from the Pond!)

Here are some of the other lovely ladies on the hop!  Make sure you visit all of them!
Frog Spot Mrs Poultney's Ponderings Coffee Kids and Compulsive Lists Teaching Maths With Meaning Miss Galvin Learns Clever Classroom Teachable Moments Image Map