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Sunday, 11 August 2013

How far does the apple fall?

Well Sunday night here and over this last week I have really been feeling my creative mojo pouring back in, I wish I knew why because next time I lose it I will be able to find it again.  Maybe it is because I had a day off, if so I will be wishing for another one but so far the signs are not looking good.  So I have another file that I have just uploaded for you to check out.

This game has 3 different ways to play and I will be whipping this one out for my little strugglers to have a go at this week.  Just click on the pic to check it out!

1 comment:

  1. And good on you! A fun activity, very cute. Maybe you should take a day off more often.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage
