I went back to work this week for an almost full week, we had a long weekend last weekend so it was sort of nice to ease back in to full time work. Having said that I was exhausted by Thursday, my new role is challenging but interesting and it sounds like my caseload will be increasing, yikes!
Anywho I haven't done a Five for Friday for a looooong time, so I am happy to link up this week!
As I mentioned we had a long weekend so I started the week with a big cookup, so that I wouldn't have to cook during the week. I made a double batch of bolognaise sauce, a double batch of beef and potato casserole, 2 home make pizzas, a beef and bacon pie and for a sweet treat an apple and blackberry tart. Smartest thing I have done all week, it was so great to come home from a long day and not worry about what we are having for dinner or cook it! I am going to try to make this a habit.....notice I said try :)
The first part of my week at school sees me in a support teacher role which translates to a lot of walking around to different classes, visiting with students and gathering resources for teachers as well as meetings with various people. It doesn't make for great photos :) So in the second part of the week I get into my Year 2 classroom, it is kind of nice to have that different pace. This week we started maths groups, my group is looking at number to 10, we used Brooke Beynon's
Interactive ten and twenty frame flashcards you can choose 3 different speeds that the frames flash up, we started slow and got to the fast speed. The kids love it.
Then we made our own number line! The kiddos were given a card and a number to write then had to come back and arrange themselves in order. We had a lot of fun with this and I also took a couple of cards out when they weren't looking and they had to tell me which was the missing number.
After that I gave them numbers to twenty on these cute cards that are a part of my latest product Number sense to 20 (still working on it, should be ready soon!) We used the number line again to order numbers, lots and lots of learning about number sequence.
We also spent a couple of days talking about capitals and fullstops in our writing and how we need to edit after writing. I love that this kiddo made sure I knew he had put in fullstops, heehee!
We finished off the week making a loving hearts paper chain. The kiddos wrote a message to someone they cared about, then cut them out and we joined them all up in a paper chain. It is hanging above one of our windows but I forgot to take a photo!
Well I hope next week I will be more in the swing of full time and won't be as exhausted at the end of the week, wishful thinking maybe.
Hope you all had a good week as well!