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Sunday, 29 April 2018

Mothers Day

We all agree that Mum's are special people right!  I love that we get to share and show our students that the females in our lives who care for and love us should be celebrated.  I love asking my kiddos why that person is special to them, they usually always answer with what that person does for them, here are some quotes from my kiddos,

Why is Mum so special?

"Because she makes my favourite dinner."
"She always reads me stories"
"My mum smells good and hugs me all the time"
"She can do cartwheels with sparklers in her hands and toes"

Ok, that last one was about me haha!  But seriously it is what makes me special.

So in honour of the wonderful women in our kiddos lives I have updated my Mothers Day craft pack, you can get yours here

Here are a couple of examples of the crafts that are included in the pack.  

Which Mum would not love a vase of flowers, you can personalise this with more flowers or special messages on the petals

I love this puffy heart decoration, you can easily spray this with some lavender or rose oil to make it smell pretty to hang in the cupboard to make Mum's clothes smell nice.

These are just a couple of examples of what is in the pack, there are also some writing activities as well as cards to make.  I hope your kiddos love making these for someone special in their lives even if they can't do cartwheels with sparklers!

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Alphabet Tracing

Do you have some kiddos who are struggling with fine motor or letter and sound recognition?  If so this Alphabet Tracing pack is the resource for you! 

I love using resources in my room that tackle more than one curriculum area, at the moment I am actually more focussed on fine motor with my kiddos but the bonus of letter and sound recognition is great as well.

Students love tracing the lines of the pictures and then for a bit more practice they can colour in making sure they stay inside the lines. I gave my kiddos a rainbow pencil but I have found that using highlighters or a fat marker to trace inside bubble letters is a much better option than using pencils as students tend to want to colour in the letter rather than trace it. 

These pages are so versatile you could even use them as playdough mats and copy them on to coloured paper just for a bit of pop and interest. 

My kiddos love to make books that they can take home to share with their family, so another great way to use this resources is to copy 2 sheets to a page and make mini alphabet books for take home practice.

See I told you this resource was going to be one you needed!  Just click on either of the pics to get your copy!

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Spring or Autumn?

Hi Friends!

Are you in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere?

Down Under we are heading into Autumn, the weather is starting to cool slightly and I am definitely seeing signs of leaves turning colour.  It feels like it has been a bit late this year and quite frankly I am ok with that, the longer I don't have to wear Winter clothes the better I say!

I know that there are some crazy people out there who love the thought of getting out the Winter woollies and getting out into the brisk air.....but I am not one of them, if I could follow the sun year round I sure would!

To get into the mood of Autumn or Spring I am sharing a great freebie with you today!

Use this 5 senses Poem to get your students thinking about what they see, hear, feel, taste and touch in the different seasons. There is a template for each season and one generic one to use for any topic!

Just click on the pics to get your copy!

Saturday, 7 April 2018

A Cautionary tale for Teachers..or...always use the paper slicer

Hi Friends!  

I wanted to share a tale of caution with you today and why it is always a better idea to use the paper slicer instead of the scissors.

The other day my son came home very excited about the great day he had in Science class, this is super I thought because Science is not one of his strong subjects.  I asked him what was so great about it and he told me that they had been doing an assessment.  I want you to remember that word, assessment.

The students had been given a matching activity and were told they could work in pairs to match the title to the description and a picture.  My son was quite proud of himself in choosing "the smartest kid in the class" as his partner.  He matched the first picture with a description, which he said was a complete guess, his partner assured him it was correct so he carefully pushed the two pieces of paper together.  As he did this he realised that the teacher had used scissors to cut the what you might he worked out that it wasn't completely straight.  Then he worked out that he didn't have to do any actual thinking for this task, he just had to line the pieces back up like a puzzle!  

Those boys were the only ones in the class that got it 100% correct!  He got an A for the assessment.....remember this was an assessment....

I have to tell you I don't know whether I should be proud of him for thinking outside the box, or completely ashamed of him for not doing the learning.  I gotta tell you, I am leaning toward the former.  He of course, is in awe of himself for seeing something no one else did.

So what do you take away from this post?

Always, always use the paper slicer because there will always, always be one kid there who thinks outside the box!

Monday, 2 April 2018

Easter Greetings!

Hi Friends! Sending you Easter Greetings at this time.  

I am enjoying a few days off with my family at home and really the highlight is not waking up to an alarm which is lucky becasue we just changed over with daylight savings.  While my body clock is adjusting I am trying to eat chocolate in moderation (unsuccessfully I might add).

This year I am in a support role at school and not on class, I have to say I am definitely missing sharing these special days with the kiddos.  I hope you made some lovely Easter memories with your class this year.

For those that are still on Easter break, I hope you are enjoying some time to sleep, eat, read and sharing time with family and friends. 

Happy Easter everyone!