Well I made it through the week! This was a tough week guys.....I was sick, not just I have a sniffle kind of sick but an I can't get off the couch or out of bed kind of sick. I do not do sick well, I moan and whinge and make sure everybody feels sorry for me....except they don't and now they mostly ignore me, so I have to give myself sympathy.
So I was sick. I am still sick, please feel sorry for me.
But! On Tuesday night I got a call from my Principal asking if I would be at school the next day....ummm yes is what you say when your Principal calls and because I think I am Superwoman I said I WAS feeling better ( I kind of was). I was needed people, that is right somebody needed me :) I was needed to go on an excursion with a Prep class to support one of the students, sure I said, I can go on an excursion.
The excursion was a bushwalk around Mt Wellington.....a bushwalk people...... on a mountain.
So I went, because it was my Principal calling and I really like her and I really need to have a job next year. Anyway the weather was lovely and I figured it would be good to get some fresh air.
Look! A curly fern!
I love this pic, it looks like they are really walking through the bush, but they were on a pathway and I was below them.
Anywho, apparently it was not a good idea because even though I felt ok that day, the next day I was down again and had to take the day off.
It is report writing season and I am still going, in fact I am supposed to be doing them right now.....I am not.
I DID get to school by the end of the week I was told many, many times how terrible I looked and perhaps I should have taken the day off. I wore make up people! I thought I looked ok, even my Principal said I didn't look great. It was a no win situation.
Anyway enough about me, my Grade 2's are still looking at arrays and we made some array cities after being inspired by
this pin
I love them!
Oh, want to hear a funny, not funny story? Last week I told my kiddos to see if they could find some arrays at home and to draw or take a pic of it to bring in this week. That afternoon I got a call from a parent asking why her son had to bring in a razor...A RAZOR! No, no, no! I said, an array, we are looking for arrays, you know rows of things.
See funny, not funny.
So while I was sick, (did I mention I was sick?) I whipped up this fun file folder game ( I love alliteration) for making time. I did this because I didn't want to do reports. Just click on the pic to get your FREE copy!
Want to check out some other fun Five for Friday posts, maybe they will be from healthy people :) Head over to
Doodlebugs to check them out or to link up for yourself!