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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Cyber Steals and Deals

Hope everyone is enjoying filling and emptying that cart!  There is still a little time to get a great bargain, just click on the link below to head over to my store and grab a deal, 20% then use the code CMT12 to get  further 10%.

Here are a few of the "steals" I picked up.

Clip Art: Santa's Workshop

Digital Felt Art: School Stuff

Too cute from Pam at Keeping Life Creative

Christmas Trees - Clipart / Graphics From the Pond
From the Pond, thanks Mel!

Double-Digit Math Packet {Triple-Digit, Too!}

Great packet from the Teacher Wife

I'm linking up with Erin at Tales from room 112 to share my deals and steals, now it's your turn, so go ahead and link up!

Monday, 26 November 2012

Sale and Award!

First up, unless you have been living under a rock, in a submarine or deep in the rainforest you will know that the HUGE Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale is on RIGHT NOW.  You can get 20% all products in my store and then use the code CMT12 to get a further 10% off at the checkout.  Just click on the graphic above.....time to empty that cart.

Well lucky me! I actually received 2 emails this week nominating me for the Leibster award.  Thank you Janet and Mr Jayne. I actually was awarded this some time ago but the rules have changed this time around so here goes.

Here are the rules:
1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2. You must answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. You must create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. You must choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post.
5. You cannot “tag back” the other blog, but leave a comment on this post with the URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you & see who you nominate.

11 Random Things About Me
  • I grow my own veges
  • I have lived in 5 of the 7 states in Australia and I have travelled around our country twice
  • I have eaten crocodile....tastes like chicken!
  • I own a conservation property that has an echidna colony, wombats, wallabies, Tasmanian devils, peregrine falcon (pair) and tiger snakes to name a few of our native animals.  They live on 400 acres of pristine bush including a 700 metre hill called Castle Hill.  We plan on building a house on part of the block and setting up an outdoor education and survival training centre.
  • I like to eat lemons and can do it without making that face.
  • I found my Great Grandfathers World War 1 grave in a small village in France called Villiers Bretennoux
  • I am deathly scared of snakes
  • I can still do cartwheels
  • I never wear flat shoes, it gives me a back ache.....probably from years of wearing heels.
  • I don't like to swim in public pools
  • I love to karaoke!  

Janet's Questions to me

1. What is your dream job, besides teaching?
Ok, this sounds odd, but I would love to work in a shoe shop......I could really use the staff discount.

2. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

3. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas! I love putting up the tree, co-ordinating the decorations and wrapping paper.  I also love it because it is our Summer here in Australia and I enjoy the hot weather.

4. What ONE word describes you best?
Pocket-rocket!  I hyphenated so I am counting it as 1 word.  I am 4ft 11in and am always busy, so this is a nickname I get alot.

5. Did you take a vacation this year? If so, where did you go?
I went to see my husband when he had leave during his deployment in Afghanistan.  We flew into Rome and travelled for 2 weeks, then flew out of Paris, he went back to Afghanistan and I came back to Australia.  We had a fabulous time and I didn't take the children (although they missed him very much.....I needed a break!) The next time I saw him was 4 months later.

6. Do you have a special talent?
Tap dancing, I think it has something to do with the shoes.

7. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Melbourne, Australia.  Great variety of shops there and lots of retail outlets mixed in with boutiques and markets.

8. Do you collect anything?
Shoes!  42 pairs last count

9. What is the last movie you saw?
Machine Gun Preacher- loved it

10. What is the worst place you've ever been to?
Port Hedland, Western Australia.  Very dusty, sandy, hot!

11. Have you ever met anyone famous?

Hmmm....does Mickey Mouse count?  

Blogs I'm nominating.
Meg at Buzz around in 2nd
Charlotte at Charlotte's clips and Kindergarten Kids
Angela at Hoppin in First Grade
Marie at It's a Jungle out There
Tammy at Mrs Flickingers Butterfly Oasis
Mrs O at Mrs O Knows
Little Miss at My Life as Little Miss
Mrs Cypher at Sweeties in Second
Kelli at Tales from a Travelling Teacher
Kirra at Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra

Questions for blogs I'm nominating

  1. Do you have a pet?
  2. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
  3. What is your favorite item of clothing you can't live without?
  4. Do you play a sport?
  5. How many stamps in your passport?
  6. Where is your dream destinations?
  7. Night owl or early bird?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. If you could invite any three people for dinner who would they be?
  10. If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
  11. Who was your favorite teacher when you were a student?

Don’t forget to leave me a link to your blog when you’ve answered!  I can’t wait to read more about you and I hope you enjoyed learning a little something about me.

Saturday, 24 November 2012


You may have heard a little rumour about a sale happening on the 26th and 27th of November at Teachers Pay Teachers.  Well rest assured this is not rumour and you will be able to grab yourself huge bargains, I am offering 20% of my entire store and you can use the code  CMT12 to get an extra 10% off at checkout.

Here is a little taste of some of my products you might like to have a look at.

So click on the image below to fill up your wishlist and then get ready to clear it!

Monday, 19 November 2012

Week in review....

Well I did say on my last post that I was going to show you some pics of my week in review.....but had left my camera at school.  Good news is I did remember today so....
first thing I want to share with you is our Minties Narratives, now for all those folks who are not familiar with Minties, they are a spearmint flavoured chewy candy,I love them!

Each week my Principal leaves some kind of yummy treat in the staffroom, a couple of weeks ago she left us some Minties, yum.  Anyway as I was looking at the wrapper I was struck with inspiration!  On each wrapper there is a little pic with the tagline of "It's moments like these you need Minties!"  Well, of course you do!  So I gathered up the wrappers, thanked the Principal and asked the rest of the staff to please pass on any wrappers to me.

Then I made a photocopy of each wrapper by increasing it to 300%

My kiddos then got to choose which wrapper they wanted to use for a narrative using the picture as their problem.  They then had to plan their narrative, this took a few steps because my kiddos really need a lot of visual help to plan.  So they filled in a filmstrip to show the steps.

They used a 4 sequence step to write some adjectives about their story

and they also used a proforma to identify the Orientation, characters, setting etc.  (Sorry no pic of that one)

They are still in the process of completing their final draft and setting it out as a book!  This actually took longer than I thought it would but I am glad that they took their time with it and have seemed to really enjoy it.  Will share pics of some of the finished products in the next couple of days.

We have also been looking at angles in Maths this week and to help my kiddos remember we made posters of the acute, obtuse and right angles.  I saw this idea on another blog a while back and I have a feeling it was one of my fellow Aussie bloggers but can't remember, please let me know if it was you.  So here are a couple of pics of their posters, I was pretty impressed!

I love the skate ramp in this one!

This little kiddo included angles as her border!

I think the part they liked best was that I let them put their own posters up, heehee.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my belated week in review, this week we are working on tesselations and mosaics, also I should have a Christmas freebie ready to go by tomorrow so keep an eye out for that one!
Enjoy your week everyone.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Hi All!
This post was supposed to be about my week in review, with pictures included......sadly not to be my friends.  I left my camera at school on Friday and realised it on Friday night when I was about to do a blog post.  As my school is about a 40 minute drive one way....I really didn't think you would mind waiting till Monday evening to see my week in review.  Now you all have something to look forward to!
Instead I have started on my Christmas activities and have uploaded my first Christmas product to my TpT store.  The Christmas Gift  match up-facts to 10 consolidates the part-part-whole concept and as students have to match the correct colour when making the match it is self correcting (love those activities).  I have also included blank gifts sheets so students can record the facts to 10.
I am going to give one lucky follower the chance to get this for free!  Just be the first to leave a comment with your email address and tell me what is your favourite Christmas activity to do in your classroom!

Or click on the link to visit my TpT store to get your copy.

Hope you all have a great week....can't you see those holidays just around the corner *peek*


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remembrance Day

I feel like I have been a bit MIA lately. First I would like to say welcome to my newest followers I hope you enjoy coming on my blogging journey with me. Life has been busy lately I have had to start looking for a new job as my contract ends this year at my current school, I have to tell you that I am terribly sad to leave this school.  As well as that I am in the middle of writing reports like many others around the country.

Today is Remembrance Day in Australia, which is a day near and dear to my heart as many of you may know my husband is in the military and has had to deploy overseas on more than one occasion.  This year I feel an even closer link to this special day because earlier in the year I had the opportunity to find my Great Grandfathers World War 1 grave in Villers Brettenoux in France.  It was a very moving experience to realise that to date I have been the only family member that has ever visited his grave and most likely the only family member who will get that opportunity.  I also visited the battle ground where he was received the wounds that later proved fatal.

Pte William George Muir

Commonwealth War Memorial Villers Brettenoux, France

Tomorrow my class will be viewing these photos and talking about why we have Remembrance Day, we make poppies and collate them into a class wreath for display.  My students also will do some writing about why we remember our fallen soldiers.  I also like to take in some photos of my husband for them to view, I think it is important for them to know that we still have soldiers on the front line and serving today.

If you would like a copy of the writing sheet just click on the link below to grab a free copy

Hope you all have a great week and it is time for me to get back to writing reports :)

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Giveaway and linky

A fabulous Aussie blogger is hosting her very first giveaway!  Show some bloggy love to Stefanie and hop on over to check out her giveaway!  I am contributing 1 item from my TpT store and there are some other fabulous prizes to win as well.


Don't forget you can help out teachers who have felt the brunt of Hurricane Sandy by donating a product of hard goods.  Laurah is doing a wonderful job of organising this fantastic resource drive.  

Teachers HELP Teachers button.jpg

Well I have just finished 2 job applications for 2013 and have come down with a cold so feel very low and hope that my applications were literate and made sense, time for a nana nap.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Help needed- Teachers Help Teachers linky

Hi all!  I have had a wonderful week at school, with a mini breakthrough on what a prefix is and a brainwave for narrative writing that I will share next week with you.

This post is primarily to let those who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy know that people from the other side of the world are thinking of you and are willing to help out.  I was so happy to find this link in the TpT forums and knew that even if this was just a small way I could help, someone would appreciate the help.
I have been in a few cyclones having lived in North Queensland and the Northern Territory in my younger years and understand how frightening it is to experience the terror of wind, rain and flood.  To lose things on top of that is like rubbing salt into a wound.  So if you think you can't help out, you're wrong, just by donating an item from your TpT store will give another teacher a hand at reclaiming some resources.  Just click below to link up and donate.