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Saturday, 7 November 2015

Five for Friday!

I am linking up with Kasey at Doodlebugs Teaching for a Five for Friday!  
What a busy week it has been!

Technically this is from last week but it certainly needs to be shared and anyway, sometimes we just gotta break the rules.

We had a Halloween dress up last week at school to raise money for Brain Cancer.  Of course I had to go as the Wicked Witch, it was so much fun!

We have been investigating mixing in our Chemical Science unit and I couldn't resist a little bit of Sci-Art, heehee.  Our students chose two primary colours to mix to make a new colour.  We then cut out circles to create a Kandinsky inspired class collage.

This is my amateur effort to create an x-box one cake.  We celebrated my son's 11th birthday this weekend, time has gone too quickly!  One more year at Primary school and then he is off to high school. I. Just. Can't.

I am so in love with Jamberry Nail Wraps! It just suits my lifestyle, no dry time, durable and easy to apply.  I love them so much I have become a consultant and I am excited to see where this journey will take me!

Sometimes you just have to let loose and be  a kid  with your kids :) 

Hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. What a week! One year off high school - they are babes for such a short time.
    Paula’s Place
