Well I am happy to say I survived my almost first whole week of Prep!
We worked very hard this week in consolidating the routines and procedures of our classroom, in particular walking in a line quietly. I will say we have had varied success with this one but it is certainly less like herding cats now :)
I must say there have been many things I had forgotten about teaching a Prep class considering the last time I taught Prep was 6 years ago. One thing I had forgotten about was how much I need to TALK, how many times I am REPEATING an instruction! My voice was quite mangled by the end of the week and I have given it a good rest over the weekend much to the pleasure of my family :)
One of the other things I had forgotten about was how small their bladders are!!!! Of course once somebody says they need to go, they all need to go! Every. Single.Time.
On the academic side of things we have been learning about sounds and letters that our names begin with and identifying them in other people's names. We have also been incorporating sight words that begin with the sound. We will be doing a letter a day and then going back to look at them more in depth later on.
My kiddos have been awesome at doing rotations which has been the highlight of the week for me. I have had a range of activities that children rotate around including
fine motor
Here are a few pics of the activities we have done so far.
These were some cards I made up quite a number of years ago but they still did the job of counting and recognising numbers and collections as well as 1 to 1 correspondence.
Penguins on ice! They luuurrved this activity! Roll the die and put that amount of penguins on.
The boys particularly liked this activity from Brooke Beynon. Parking lot dominoes.
I have been leaving the afternoons as Free Choice Play (but not really because I put the activities out that I want them to 'play' with). This also gives them a chance to have some quiet time as everyone has been so, so tired come the end of the day. I have also been using this time as a bit of one on one time with some of them to get to know them and do some quick assessments.
Next week we start our PIPS testing so it will be a busy couple of weeks for all of us :)
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