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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

How Pinteresting PE and games edition

Hi friends
I have been a bit absent with my How Pinteresting series because, well, life got in the know how it is.  So I have been busy, busy, busy at school with Athletics practice and Cross Country today, so this week I am looking at Physical Education, games and sports to get our kids moving!  Hope you enjoy it.

Early morning fitness is a great way to start the day and get your students ready for learning. Here are 5 physical education games you can use.

This links to a fantastic blog TopNotch Teaching with some fantastic ideas for morning fitness.

Physical Education Games - Robots

This links to a video explaining this easy game of robots.

2) Gym class and recess were always my favorite parts of the day

This pin links to an article that talks about the important aspects of a physical education program with some games for students to play that also have a focus on social abilities.

Physical education ideas for homeschoolers including a link with a list of common games kids play during traditional school.

I just loved this pic, but it also has a link to a blog that has some great ideas for physical activities for homeschoolers that could aslo be relevant in the classroom

Physical Education resources and games for teachers and educators.

Another link to some ideas and examples of games.

Well I hope you feel Pinspired to get your kiddos moving and exercising, quite frankly I am exhausted just looking at it or maybe that was the Cross Country supervision today.

Let me leave you with this little story from today.  On my checkpoint today I was at a crossroad on the track, I had to direct students in one direction from the start of the race and direct students finishing the race toward the finish line.  It got a bit hectic for sure but the kiddos worked it out.....that is until a man on a horse, yes A HORSE!  trotted into the park and wanted to cross the track.  Now I have had to do many things in my teaching career but directing students and horse with that was a first for me today, heehee.  

Well it is things like this that keep things interesting I guess.  2 more school days and then holidays, Yeehah!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tania, I just came over to your blog to pin it to my Aussie Teaching Blogs Pinterest Board and noticed you had featured one of my articles. Cool and thx so much, glad you thought it had some good ideas :-)

