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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Five for Fraturday

As I am writing this weeks Five for Friday, it is actually Saturday and I am laying back on my couch having a lazy afternoon because people...I am tired!

We played Ten More Ten Less this week, I used my Spring and Summer boards.  I told the kiddos that I am trying to invoke the warm weather by getting the Summer boards out, they didn't mind one little bit!  They had lots of fun working out where they needed to go and begged to play it twice, which I obliged....playing and learning are all part of the same thing in my classroom.  

My daughter is learning a piece for her cousin's wedding in January, she will be playing as they walk down the aisle.  We can't wait as it will be up in Queensland with loads of family!  My son will be a junior groomsman, he is very excited as well.  It was during one of these practices that we discovered how intrigued the cat is with the inner workings of the piano.......all I could see was him falling in, Lordy could you imagine!

Of course with Fathers Day just around the corner we got busy at school making cards and gifts.  We have siblings from last years class this year so we wanted to make something different.  Last year we made coasters from my Fathers Day card and Gift set but this year we made this Dad Card and we made a wall hanging with a portrait of Dad and on the back of it 10 things you should know about my Dad.  I have to tell you we learnt some VERY interesting facts about the Dads!

(Sorry about the glare!)

I saw this little guy on my walk today, I am not exactly sure what  he is but he is some type of small marsupial.  There are heaps of them that live in the bush along the beach front, nice real estate!  I actually thought it was a giant rat at first!

 We headed to Burger Got Soul for lunch today, yumbo!  No pics just yummy food and a game of I Spy while we waited for our order :)


  1. Family weddings are lovely and such a huge honour to play the music, with all the practise I am sure it will all go well
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  2. Here in the United States, I'm waiting for COOL weather! It has been HOT in my classroom! Have a great week!
    Laughter and Consistency
