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Sunday, 21 June 2015

Bright Ideas: 2 Second Words

Welcome back for another round of Bright Ideas!

It has been a while since I have linked up and share an idea from my classroom, life has been busy!

Today I wanted to share an idea I have been using in both my Year 2 and Year 3 class called 2 Second Words.  Basically it is to get kiddos thinking about those words that they habitually spell incorrectly.  I use the word habitually because most of the time it is a habit that they have gotten into.

So we create a list of words (usually high frequency) that they are continually spelling wrong.  Then depending on the child's ability level we chose 1, 2 or maybe 3 words to write on a card.  This is then stuck on to their desk/table so they can see it daily, I found these stick on label protectors at Office Works but you could just tape them on.  

The kiddos then have to focus on using these words correctly in their writing consistently.  When they can show you that, they change their word.

I get my kiddos to write their word into a personal dictionary and to glue the card into the back of their spelling journal.

This idea can be used for so many other things, letter/number formation, maths facts, content words the list is endless.

I hope you are able to use this idea in your classroom. For more great ideas follow me on Facebook, Pinterest or right here on my blog!

Now check out some other great Bright Ideas for your classroom!


  1. This is great! I would be so easy to update words this way. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great way to differentiate for kiddos! I love this idea!
    Curls and a Smile
