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Saturday, 23 June 2012

Daily 5 pics

I wanted to share some pics of my kids during some of our Daily 5 activities. This is one of our favourite parts of the day, for both teacher and students.  This is the first year I have used Daily 5 and CAFE in my classroom and although many aspects of the process makes you say, "Well I was already doing this!" I actually find that very reassuring.

Here is one of my kids using our notebooks for Listen to Reading.  We use Storyline Online and Barnes and Noble Online Storytime as well as a number of others.  This is always a favourite part of the rotations.

This is a couple of my girls during Read to Someone.  As a whole class we brainstormed a list of questions we could ask to "check for understanding."  This list is placed in an area that is frequented for Read to Someone and is referred to often.

These boys are playing hangman using their spelling words for Working on Words.  Such an easy game and always a fun choice.

During Working on Writing we have been focusing on using the correct homophones in our sentences.  They love playing this homophone game from

The last pic I wanted to show is some of my boys during Read to Self.  I have organised my book boxes into ability groups rather than individual ones so that resources aren't as stretched.

Daily 5 has worked so well in our classroom, although we never seem to have enough time to get through it all, so it usually ends up as Daily 3 or 4 and at the moment I am scheduling rotations with groups to make sure the students are getting to all the stations.  Next term I am going to trial letting the students choose and monitor which station they will be going to and record their choices.  I usually call up small groups to read with me either during their read to self or read to someone rotation.  I would be very interested to hear how other classrooms are operating for Daily 5.

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