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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Hooray for Holidays!

Well, Day 1 of the June holidays and I have spent the day showing my 11 yr old daughter how to make clip art on Power Point.  She loved it!  I plan on running some workshops for the students in Year 5/6 at my school on making borders/frames and graphics on Power Point so it was a good litmus test on what the average ability level would be.  I am looking forward to this as it is outside my usual age/grade level group.  Here are some of the graphics she made today under my instruction, very talented if I do say so, (:

So she is very proud of herself for creating a mango and strawberry.  Could be a future in graphic design here!!!  

The other exciting thing I did today was downloading a new book to my kobo.  Why is it that as teachers we urge children to be voracious readers, yet I only seem to have enough time to read on the holidays?  One of life's injustices.

With the holidays here I plan to get a few new products in my store including some freebies, so keep an eye out!
For all those on a well deserved break at the and enjoy......


  1. Very cute graphics! I've been playing with them too :) I'm your newest follower!

    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

    1. Thanks Shanyn, I just checked out your blog ( I am your newest follower) and I am going to download Inkscape and play around with some graphics. It is addictive once you start, but fun!
      PS I miss Queensland weather (:

  2. She did really well! Even I would like a lesson on that! I awarded you the One Lovely Blog award earlier today!



    1. WOW!! Thanks for your support Kylie, you have been so helpful in my foray into the blog world and I love using your fabulous resources in my classroom. (:

  3. Nice to find other Aussie teachers blogging!

    Your daughter did really well with creating her own graphics - they're adorable! And I bet the 5/6 students jump at the chance to create their own graphics. What a fabulous idea.


    1. Thanks Stef,
      I am looking forward to showing our kids in yr 5/6 how to do this I think they will get a real kick out of it. BTW I love your pinboards on Pinterest (:
