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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Clip Art Freebie

Well I have been very productive on these holidays.....just not in the school sense.  I have been out in my vege garden and I am happy to say we will be getting some lovely crops of tomatoes and lettuce among other things.  I have cleaned out the garage with a little help from the other half and I have spent time with my actual kids.  I have spent hours blogstalking and catching up on what everyone is up to I even updated my blog button so now everything is matchy.

One thing I have been playing around with is some clipart.  Now I do not put my self in the same bracket as Mel From The Pond, but I am happy to share with you my creations and hope that you can use them.  I have noticed lots of Fall items going up on TpT and on blogs and that got me thinking about the weather and seasons and how happy I am to be welcoming Spring.  So I started creating some Spring images that I will be using in my packets that I will be making in the next week.  Here are some of them...

I have also made a few different cliparts for the other seasons as well and you can get them all for free here

I would love to know if you use these and if you feel like crediting me, that would be nice as well.  Hope you enjoy!
Please let me know if the link does not work.  Just checked and link is not working....will update and let you know when it is this space...thanks for watching, you have to download each image individually as dropbox only doesn't download folders.  If you really want these and the download doesn't work, leave your email and I will send them to you.  Oh my Lord, the end of this post is just rambling...sorry