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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

More Froggy Fun

I promised some more pics of the Froggy Fun we are having in our here goes.  Let's begin with a Life Cycle I have had sitting in my study for at least a couple of years.  I was pretty excited to finally get it out, only I didn't realise how big it was.  When I saw the size I immediately knew I wanted to use it as a whole class puzzle on the white board.  Problem was it wasn't a magnetic puzzle, so time to start gluing!  I try not to buy magnets, I tend to recycle the magnets that you might get in the mail from businesses or old fridge calendars.  I usually end up collecting lots of business fridge magnets, then we end up moving and I don't have a use for them anymore, so they get recycled!  These magnets were actually from a magnetic board set I had picked up for the bargain price of $0.56 cents.  I am using it as an oral language prompt for my student with special needs and all the magnets were push out, pre cut.  Anyway I ended up with lots of left over magnetic strips.  So I cut them up and glued them onto the back of the puzzle!

Step 1.  You can see all the left over magnetic sheets near the front

Step 2 Cut and glue

Step 3 Put it together on the whiteboard!

We have been researching frog facts by using the 3, 2, 1 fact sheet from Teaching with Love and Laughter .  I found these just in time to support our quick on the run, mini frog unit.  (See my post here as to why I am doing a min unit 2 weeks before school finishes)  The children are still in the process of reading and recording their facts.....but we did make some frogs that we will be attaching our frog facts to.  Here is what they look like.
These are the pieces the students had (theirs were not cut out.)

This is my example or as I like to say....Here's one I prepared earlier.  He is glued onto our Frog book box.

Here are some of the students frogs, I particularly like the spotty one.

I should have some pics of our Frog Facts by the end of the week.  Next up we will be Comparing and Contrasting Frogs and Toads.  There will be pics for that as well!   
Tomorrow we are having our culminating whole school Mini Paralympics.  Should be fun!


  1. Very cute frogs Mrs Poultney...and you say you aren't that crafty!


  2. I love the puzzle idea! The kids would just want to keep putting it together!


    P.S. I always save old magnets too! Soooo much cheaper!
