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Thursday, 19 December 2013

End of year wrap up

Hi all!
I feel like I have been away for ages!!!  I have recently returned from a mini holiday in Adelaide where I was able to catch up with one of my dearest friends Abbey.  We went to see Bon Jovi in concert which was beyond totally awesome and a dream fulfilled.

I just had the best time and returned with only 2 school days left and all the end of year busyness, including my daughter finishing Year 6 and moving on to High school next year.  I have been far away from blogging.

By the way.....I can't believe I will be the Mum of a high schooler, aaarrrghh!

So with only 1 day left with my class this is how we spent it.  We made Christmas bon bons and went traditional with putting a silly joke and a candy in them.  (Darn it forgot to take photos!) I just loved some of the jokes the kiddos wrote, this one is my favourite.

What kind of shark wouldn't eat a woman?
A man-eating shark!  Bada Boom!

We completed my Candy Cane Acrostic Poem craft, which you can get here for FREE!

So with all of that going on and the arrival of my husbands family which includes 3 teenage girls, oh my! things have been busy, in fact I only started my Christmas shopping this week as well!

So with this rambly around post I will finish up with saying to all the Aussie teachers enjoy your last days with your class and have a relaxing break!

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