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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Text Scavenger Hunt!

We are looking at the end of the school year here in Australia and we are all about assessments, report writing and getting ready for Christmas in the classroom.
To help with some assessment in our spelling and grammar area I created a Text Scavenger Hunt.

This can be used with any book your students are reading, we used it with our guided reading books.  The idea is for the students to read a book or text and then identify words that they find, then record it on the recording sheet.  Each sheet has either a spelling or grammar focus and all you need to do is print and use! This is a great way for you to see if your students are understanding the concepts taught or as a way to find what they already know.

I have also found this file to be super handy for subbing or relief teaching.  I used one page with a Year 2 class yesterday and a different page with a Year 3 class last week.......they were SOOOOO quiet!  Seriously quiet, they were so intent on finding the words they forgot all about talking to each other.  That is a rare occurrence for a relief teacher my friends!

I was so glad to get this finished right in the middle of the Cyber Sale at TpT just make sure you use the coupon code CYBER at the checkout.
If you like the look of this you can pick it up right now at a discounted price in my store, just click on one of the pics.


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