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Saturday, 21 June 2014

Five for Friday

We have an art exhibition that takes place in our city every Winter, it is called Dark MOFO and I cannot remember what MOFO stands for, something about Modern art.  Anywho, there are usually installations around the city that involve lights, this is one of them it is a giant rabbit that is illuminated from the inside.  This is my two checking it out.  There are also these huge searchlights set up around the city that the public can move around, it is pretty cool.  We are heading out tonight to the Winterfeast, so lots of yummy Winter food in our tummies tonight!

Last week my kiddos went on an excursion to a Wildlife Park, we made a classroom mural to show a map of where the animals were around the park.  It is a little larger than I thought it would be!

I went to a PD about Transferring Trauma in schools.  It was soooooo interesting and helpful for me in my role as a Support teacher.  There was a lot of information about how trauma can affect the development of the brain depending on when the trauma occurred.  I love anything to do with brain development and learning so I really enjoyed the day and came away with something rather than feeling drained at the end of it.

I am working on a Proof reading and Editing file and my kiddos have been trying them out, they have really been enjoying them (so they tell me) and it has helped them to hone many skills like using a dictionary to find how to correctly spell words.  I plan on getting it finished and uploaded this weekend but I keep thinking about extra activities I can add to it, so it may take me longer than I thought :)

Remember my glitter pegs?  Here they are in action!  This is a charcoal drawing of a Tassie Devil that my kiddos have been doing with my teaching partner.  Love this pic and I love using glitter pegs!

That's it for me but I will be back with some Bright Ideas for you soon, stay tuned!

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