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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Monday Meet Me!

I have been a very slack blogger lately so linking up with The Teaching Tribune is sure to get me back on track!
Technically it is Tuesday here but I was busy on Monday getting back from a trip away on our long weekend so I am going to pretend it is Monday......pretend with me :)

I have a dual role this year at school, I share a Grade 2 class with a fabulous teacher, we work really well together and best of all we have become great friends and support for each other.  In my other role I support teachers who have special needs students, this has really put me out of my comfort zone (in a good way) as I am working with Grade 5 and 6 students.  I usually only teach up to Grade 3 as after that they start to get taller than me (for real).  I am loving the challenge and the way I have had to think about how classrooms work from a different angle, I hope I am helping teachers and students to increase their ability to access the classrooms. 

I am very blessed to have 2 of the most talented children in the world (yes I am biased).  My daughter is a talented musician, she plays piano, violin and is learning the flute.  She constantly amazes me as I walk into the room and hear her playing a song that she has composed or a piece of music she has heard and can replicate by ear.  My son is learning to play drums and also loves to dabble with the keyboard, his talent lies in his comedic abilities, he can seriously have us in fits of laughter with tears streaming down our faces with his funny impressions and silly stories, his imagination is wild I tell you! 

I am  a serial TV watcher, I usually have it on as background noise when I am working.  My fave TV shows are Supernatural (mostly for the eye candy) I have watched it from the beginning, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones (loved the books) True Detective, Justified (again eye candy), Vikings.  Then there are reality TV shows, Masterchef, The Voice, any cooking show or renovation show, I also love History TV shows.

When I listen to music I usually listen to 80's and 90's rock bands, I love to crank up the music in my car and belt out a few tunes with or without other people in the car makes no difference to me :)  My children are usually the recipients of my off key tunes.  It is a great stress reliever I find.

I try to read every day, I will often have a book in my hand when I am cooking dinner and have books on the go all the time.  I am waiting on a book from my favourite author Diana Gabladon, it is released today in the States and I pre-ordered it and will be checking for a parcel every day with anticipation.  My family know that when that book gets here I will not be a reliable wife or mother until I have finished it.

Travelling is one thing my whole family love to do.  We are a military family so we move around the country every 3 years, I have been lucky enough to live in nearly every state of our amazing country.  People often ask me how my children handle having to move around so much...... so far, really well.  We always treat our move as a new adventure, a great way to make new friends and see new places.  We have been fortunate that our kids are confident, resilient people who are able to adapt to these new situations.  I love that they have seen so much of their country as well as being able to take them overseas with us.  They are great travellers and enjoy it as much as we do.  

I am going to try to be more diligent with blogging over the next few weeks, although we are right in the middle of writing reports so I might still be a bit patchy.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little more!


  1. I love Supernatural and Justified and am woefully behind on both. Definitely fabulous shows for eye candy!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  2. You know how much I love you! Cant believe I am still learning new things about you! Thanks so much for linking up Tania!

  3. I'm short too! I always feel strange chatting to the grade 5/6s who are the same height as me.

    Luck's Little Learners
