If you haven't used GoNoodle yet, you need to check it out, here is a sneak peek at how it works.
Your class gets to choose a Champ, each time you complete a level your Champ morphs and develops. My kiddos love seeing how our Champ Squatchy Burger has changed as they have moved through the levels.
Our kiddos need to move, this is evident when we see our kiddos getting the wriggles when we are too long on the carpet or getting that glazed look in their eyes. When this happens you know as a teacher that getting those kiddos up and about is essential. When you use GoNoodle you have a range of videos at your fingertips to get them going and activating their brains for learning. My kiddos love any of the KooKooKangaroo videos, but Dino Stomp has been a definite favourite.
Here are my kiddos stretching to get ready to do the 100 m hurdles, serious business friends, they got a bronze medal.
We have also been loving the calming videos. We use them after lunch and recess and I have seen a definite change in how quickly one of my students who struggles with transitions has been able to calm and be ready for learning.
Here are my kids doing yoga with Maximo, (who I think sounds like Antonio Banderas). This is called the Surfer Dude
Airtime is a great way for kiddos to learn how to use breathing as a calming technique, which I think is an important self regulating skill we all want our kiddos to have. When you use Airtime the children get to watch how far they have moved the bubble on the screen across America, when they reach a new destination they get a postcard with some fun facts about that place. I know that being in Australia does not make it as relevant to us and I would love to be able to customise this so that it includes our own country, but the kiddos still really love it. We started in Alaska :)
There are many more features to GoNoodle and the best way to find out is to visit their website and have a look at a couple of demos. Oh, did I mention that this is FREE!! Gotta love that and I guarantee you will love using GoNoodle in your classroom too.
I love Go Noodle! My class did yoga with Maximo after specials and recess every day. I've also been using it during the summer camps I've had this summer.