Well here goes....
I have a very sparkly, crafty, peggy Bright Ideas post coming up on the blog! I love the Bright Ideas linky and I can't wait for you to see what I have for you in the next linky......I think you won't have to wait long :)
I attended an amazing seminar on Wednesday all about students on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. One of the presenters was Dr Tony Attwood, I just loved listening to him and I had so many "a-ha" moments. I also picked up some great resources and books to help me in my day to day life as a support teacher. Here are some of the great reads I found. I couldn't put any pics up, but I was thinking of contacting them to see if I could do a review of their seminar at a later date so stay tuned on that one!
We looked at probability in our Grade 2 classroom this week. My teaching partner started the week looking at the likelihood of an event happening and I ended the week with my probability pack What are the Chances. The kiddos loved making the predictions and discussing with partners why the thought x was going to happen. We shared the results at the end of the session. If you want to check it out just click on any of the pics
I put the posters on the whiteboard and we discussed each one, but you can also print them and display them in the class or in a Maths Centre.
The 15 spinners are all different so it allows students to work in pairs and then each pair is able to share their findings with the group or another pair and they will have different predictions and outcomes. Also it doesn't take long to set up, I laminated the 15 spinners and then printed the recording sheet, had it done in about 15 minutes....easy!
I started using Second Story Windows spelling sound boards. Can I say we LOVE it!! If you don't know what I am talking about you need to check this post out. Some of my kiddos are struggling with the chunking and I was so excited to hear them sounding out the chunks and then putting it together to make a word.
My Sister in law has made a surprise drop in visit from Adelaide so we are having a great time catching up. We get along really well and she loves getting to seeing her niece and nephew, as well as her Mum and Dad who only live around the corner from us.
Well, that is all from me but there are loads of other great blogs to check out at Doodle Bugs Teaching.
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