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Monday, 9 February 2015

Anchors Away!

Hi friends!

Last week I got the great news that I will be job sharing in a Year 3 classroom.  I am so excited because I get some of my sweeties that I had last year.  Our first week back was a short week so we used the time to settle in and have fun.  I like to get some student work up on the walls as soon as possible to help create a sense of ownership and for the students to have something to show parents when they drop them off.  We did a number of fun activities including creating an art piece that is now proudly hanging up outside the classroom.  I promised to show the steps so you can create these masterpieces for yourself.

Firstly I need to acknowledge that this is not my original idea (wish it was!) but inspired from this pin.

Origami Seascapes:  ARTipelago

First we created the sky using a light blue wash, I made sure the students used long strokes and not short choppy strokes.

To create the ocean, we used a darker blue and white acrylic paint.  I put 2 blobs (yes, that is the technical term) onto a plate and then students used a roller to pick up the paint, then rolled it onto a piece of paper that was half the size of the sky.  It looks really good if there are blobs of white through the blue, so don't mix the colours but allow it to happen on the paper or as they roll.

We made origami boats using Kinder squares and followed these instructions, they are really easy to make.
When both pieces of paper were dry (we did this part the next day) students tore the ocean paper into long strips, some of them made really small strips and found that very difficult to use.

They then arranged them on the paper using the white torn parts to represent breaking waves or foam.  Then they glued them down and placed the sailboats on the waves.  They had to make sure the glued the bottom strip first and then glue the remaining strips in layers.  

I love how different they all looked!  

Pinned to the board outside the classroom.
I hope you enjoyed our little Anchors Away masterpieces, check back regularly for more Art ideas.


  1. They look incredible! I'll have to pin this one for later :)

  2. I love it! Just pinned it to my classroom art pinterest board for later :)
