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Sunday, 9 August 2015

Five for Frunday

Yay for Five for Friday!  Well I am a bit late this week as I have had a busy week. Head over to Doodlebugs to link up as well!

I had a birthday last week and I took the weekend off the computer and spent some quality time with my family :) We had a lovely lunch at one of our local restaurants and I was surprised with this delicious chocolate cake for dessert.  I also went out for a High Tea with some friends the next day, so lovely.  Overall it was a great birthday and although I didn't get the palm tree that I asked for :) I did get a lovely gold necklace and I was blessed with my gorgeous family around me.

It snowed down to sea level in our city this week!  We regularly get snow on the mountain here (sometimes even in Summer!) but the last time it snowed down to sea level was in 1986 so this is a pretty rare occurrence.  Our dogs weren't really too sure about it, but the kids were excited.

I spent up BIG during the Back to School Sale on TpT this week and used this Picture of the Day inferring packet from Hello Literacy with my Year 3's.  I loved it, they loved it, we all loved it.  I think it is really going to get them using more descriptive language in their writing and dig deeper when they are observing and inferring

 We went out for a yummy Italian meal this week and I swear it was the BEST gnocchi I have ever tasted, just melt in your mouth.  Oh and that is not a weird smile I am doing I was actually eating when my husband too that pic, although it does make me look a bit smug, hmmm.

I am getting ready for my next Healthy Eats for Teachers linky so make sure you check back tomorrow to link up with your yummy, healthy recipes!  Click on the pic to see the previous post and linky


  1. I can't believe that you have snow!! Coming back to check out your Healthy Eats for Teachers!

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