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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Last photo for 2012 and a soon to be released Blog Hop

For my final photo of my students for 2012 I wanted to share this with you.  This is my friend "Mary" and if you haven't read about her in my previous posts you can catch up here.  Mary is profoundly deaf without her cochlear implants and she has a visiting teacher that comes to school 3 times a week to help her with speech, cognitive skills and a range of other valuable teaching in both the classroom and in a 1 on 1 situation.
There is no way either of us could have gotten through this year without her help and the help of our Teacher Aide, so thank you to all the staff who support the students and the teachers in the classroom.

Mary made this with her visiting teacher, it is a button wreath inspired by Pinterest

This is the Pinterest pin.

So as I finish my year with one of the most inspiring students I have had the pleasure of teaching I am happy to say that I have gained so much from all the students in my class and hope that we have made a difference in each others lives.  Thank You to all my students!

Now this just coincidentally falls into place to help celebrate the end of a great year for me.  A few of my fabulous blogger friends are putting together a Santa's Little Helper Blog Hop, it will be full of fabulous freebies so you do not want to miss it.....stay tuned this will be happening very soon and I can tell you there is a huge surprise at the end!
Coming to a blog near you soon!


  1. Awww, how lovely Tania! What a beautiful decoration she has made! You will always remember her!


    1. She is definitely one that found her way into my heart, I will miss her dearly :( I had an awesome year with my class!
