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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Our new home

Hi friends!  My family has arrived in Tasmania safe and sound and I finally worked out how to use my mobile as a hotspot so I CAN BLOG while I am here, yay!
Well having said that there is not too much to report, heehee.  Hobart is a beautiful city with lots of history and I do plan on taking some pics to show you my new digs, at the moment we are staying in a hotel until our furniture arrives in a couple of weeks so I feel quite spoiled having someone come and make my bed up everyday, fresh get the picture.
I plan on using this time to freshen up some of my products, finish some that have been sitting on my computer forever, organise my files and apply for jobs.  My little darlings have started at their new school today and were very excited, they have an ocean view from their classroom windows which they found very exciting as their last school was inland and nowhere near the beach, not much swimming here however unless you have a very thick wetsuit and you don't mind the sharks.
I will leave you with a pic of my first weekend in our new city.....I think I am going to like it :)

Hope you have a great week!


  1. Congrats on the move! I hope everything goes wonderfully for you there. :)
    I Want to be a Super Teacher

  2. Awww, what a lovely post. I am so glad everything is working out well for you Tania - it sounds like it was a great decision by you and your husband to go! Enjoy the cold!


  3. So glad to hear that everything's going well for you, Tania!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  4. Glad to hear you're (almost) settling in. Enjoy the maid service while you have it!

  5. *hehe* I love the pic of your first weekend! :)

    What a beautiful school for your children to go to school and what a stunning school to teach at too! It would be VERY relaxing...

    Liz - BaysideMathTeacher

  6. Glad to see Hobart put on some nice weather for you, although I'm sure it was still cold. I live near Launceston (northern part of the state)and am sorry to say we have the better weather :) I'm sure you will enjoy your time here, there is soooo much to see.

    1. Thanks for the welcome Tas Teacher! I will be moving up near Launceston in a few years as we have property there, so happy to have you on board here, maybe one day we will meet up!
