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Monday, 14 July 2014

A trip down memory lane

I am really enjoying having no timetable to follow or a place I have to be, ahhhhh, I love holidays!  As it is Winter here I have not really wanted to head out and about, I am not a cold weather person, so staying in is not a hardship for me.

So I have taken this time to cook, clean, create and update.

I took a peek at some of my early products, OH MY!  It amazes me how my standards have changed in such a short amount of time.  So I am going to dedicate my time these holidays at updating anything that is looking tired and old (no I am not talking about me), or that I made in Word, Oh my Word!  (If you create in PowerPoint you will know what I mean!)

Here is the latest update

Before  Yikesville!


I like to make my cards so that they can be folded in half to create a front and back.  It helps to stop that "see through" look when you print them on plain white paper.

So you can get this right now in my store and if you have already purchased this just go to your My Purchases page and download the update with extra activities.

I have already printed and laminated this update for a couple of my special needs boys to use when we get back to school.  My daughter and I tested the cards by having a couple of games first hehee.


  1. Would you mind sharing the name of the program you used to replace Word? I am in the process of creating beginning of the year forms, etc. after a 2 year hiatus from the classroom. Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Donna! I create everything in PowerPoint, it is a lot easier to move graphics and text boxes around the page. When I am happy with everything I save the file as secured PDF so that my graphics and content is not able to copied, it also ensures the fonts I use are embedded. If you would like any help please email me at
