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Saturday 31 August 2013

Five for Friday

Whew, what a busy week this has been!  I am linking up with Doodlebugs Five for Friday linky.


Tomorrow is Fathers Day in Australia and my class has been making these beautiful portraits of their Dad's with a lovely list of what Dad likes on the back.  We laminated them and then put some silvery ribbon on it to hang.

I can't remember where I got this template for these super cool coffee mug cards but the kiddos loved making them to go with our Fathers poem coasters (which I forgot to take a photo of!!!)


We made these cool flip books to go with our Looking up at Trees paintings.
The kiddos had to think of 4 adjectives to describe their paining then write the adjective on the flip part and the noun it was describing on the inside part.  So it would read "When I look up I (flip) leaves etc.  The last line had to have trees in it.  I love how they worked on these and they loved making the flippy book!  

I got some fantastic news this week that made my heart smile and dance.

I finished this little baby that is an update of an ollldd file, look out for it soon!

Well, your turn to link up!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your tree art ...and now your flip books too. Fabulous idea. What was your news???? You have to tell us.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage
