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Saturday, 9 February 2013

How Pinteresting and a Giveaway!

Hi friends!  I have to apologise for missing my How Pinteresting post on Friday but things have been crazy here.  I have started at my new school in a Year 3 class, I have so much to figure out!  I have been trying to get my head around all the policies and procedures that go with starting at a new school on top of getting a program together that uses their Whole School classroom is still in the process of coming together as it was an un used classroom and was full of rubbish and leftover stuff from another teacher.  I have been so busy I haven't even managed to get any pics yet!  I also have my Mum and Dad visiting, (they are Grey Nomads and are on their way back north)  so I have been trying to get some quality time with them as well.
So onto my finds on Pinterest this week.  I have been looking at great anchor charts for using with Daily 5 and CAFE as I will be using this in my class again this year.  So without further ado.....

Main Idea Anchor Chart

We will be looking at the Main Idea this term.

Anchor Charts

This links to a blog with lots of other charts.


I love the visual of this.

Anchor Charts

I am definitely making this one

retelling anchor chart

Straight to the point!

I hope this has inspired you to use anchor charts in your room.  Before I go I want to share a fabulous giveaway my friend Shanyn at Coffe, Kids and Compulsive Lists is having for her 500.....yes 500 follower giveaway.  Head on over and enter to win 3 items from her TpT store.

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