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Sunday, 10 March 2013

How Pinteresting Art Edition

Welcome to this weeks How Pinteresting Art Edition.  Lately I have been finding some great art activities on Pinterest and I have even got around to trying it out in my classroom, read about the first pin we tried out here.

So I thought that I would find some great activities that you might try in your classroom.

Do it yourself, 3D hand

This is the one we did the other day, it looks deceptively easy but alot of my kiddos had a couple of attempts at it when they realised the arc they had to put in needed to be straight on the other side.  Some of them looked like one big arc.

wet chalk & tape resist Easter eggs - a fun art activity for kids

A great one for Easter coming up!

my class would love this, but I'm sure it will get messy!

and another one

Van Gogh Sunflowers

This is always a favourite to do with my grade threes.

Expand an image

I will be doing this activity in a couple of weeks, but I will be using watercolour to finish it.

I hope you have found some artistic Pinspiration to help you with your art lessons.


  1. I love doing art with my little ones. I love how each one is different.
    Thanks for the great ideas, Tania.

    Classroom Fun

  2. How cool is that hand one? Great post!

    1. Thank you ladies! I have really loved finding new art and craft activities on Pinterest and yes Brooke, that hand looks really cool when it is done correctly.

