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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Telling the time and Easter activities

Hi all,
I just wanted to share a few pics of the happenings in my classroom in the last week or so.  I have had so much going on I feel like I am just catching my time to start planning for next term, oh they joy!

Well we have been looking at time as mentioned in my last How Pinteresting post, you can read about it here.

So we made these fabulous flip clocks that allow the students to have the 5 minute mark under the numbers. First we wrote the clock numbers on a small paper plate, this was the first challenge for some of them.

                                        Here you can see one of my kiddos writing the          10 min mark under the number 2

Then we made our minute and hour hand and labelled these, we also divided the clock into quarters and labelled o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.

(Can you tell how well trained my kiddos are already not to look at the camera!!)

When we put our clocks together we were then able to use them to....

make our daily shedule that matched analogue time with digital time.  Match digital and analogue times and count the minutes in 5 minute intervals, and.......

pass the time with our friends!   Yes it was Crazy hair day on that day.
My kiddos loved this activity and I can really see the benefits from them making the flap clocks.  I randomly ask them through the day now what the time is and you can see them counting around in 5's and making sure they are checking where the hour hand is.

Before I go I wanted to let you know about the Easter activities I have in my TpT store, I have been so focussed on school that I forgot to tell you all about them.

Here is my Coin Toss Bunny Hop game.
Students toss a coin to either move to a higher or lower number and try to be the first to get to the other side,  because it uses chance the game is different each time they play it.  I have also included 3 different levels to cater for individual needs.

Click on the pic to get your copy!

Next up is my Easter Bunny Craftivity pack

There are 6 different writing templates to choose from, both fiction and non fiction to go with the bunny template, that you can paint, draw, collage whatever you can think.  Just click on the pic to get a copy.

Hope your week is going well, I will be back with some pics of our Monet inspired Waterlilies collages.

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