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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Check this out!

Have you seen this fab new item from Brooke at Teachable Moments.  It is a ten and twenty frame interactive PowerPoint slideshow that you can show on an Interactive Whiteboard.

Yesterday I was working with a Prep class and a Year 2 maths support group and I was able to use this product with both groups successfully.  Let me give you a rundown of how this file works.  First you choose either ten or twenty frame cards then you decide the speed at which the cards will flash up they run at 3 speeds, slow, medium or fast.
We did a quick warm up with the slow speed and the students called out the number as the card came up on the screen, then we progressed through the medium and fast speeds.  After this we went back to the slow speed and the students had to write the number that corresponded with the ten frame card, (of course they wanted to try all speeds!)  Then to finish off we went back to the slow speed cards and called out the friend of ten that related to that card, so when the 2 spot frame came up the students called out "2 and 8 is ten".  At this point our time had finished but there would be so much more you could do with this, not to mention the bonus round when you have finished that mixes both ten and twenty frames.
To get your copy you can click on the pic to head over to Brooke's store.

On another note I started holidays today so after taking a nana nap on the couch I plan on getting my next That Cat emergent reader finished.

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