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Thursday, 11 July 2013

How Pinteresting Science Edition and a linky

I know it has been a looooooonnng time since I have posted a How Pinteresting edition and I really have no excuse for why this has happened other than I lost my drive.   Now I cannot promise that I will be doing this every week as life seems to be getting in the way at the moment, you know how it is work, kids, annoying when they impinge on my bloggy life.  Well without further ado I resurrect my How Pinteresting series with a bunch of pins related to Science in the Primary classroom.

Weather themed activities that work in your classroom!  Our first unit is earth science, and the weather part is always so hard.  Maybe these will help.

This is a great post that shares a range of different  science activities throughout the year in  her First Grade classroom and she gives a freebie!

This website is so awesome and will be very helpful in the classroom one day. This activity, done with gummy worms, allows for the children to observe what they see after an overnight experiment. Also on the website, there is different types of art projects that all ages can do that relate to science!

How much fun is Science with food!  Yum

Black Pepper Science Trick  Here's an easy but impressive science lesson. Easy to replicate both at home & in the classroom.  All you need is:  Black Pepper  Bowl or plate  Water   Dish Detergent

This is an easy experiment to do in the classroom with items you would likely have on hand.

This website has links to websites featuring over fifty science experiments and activities for kids to do. These activities range from fun experiments to nature explorations, from physics to mixtures and potions, and even activities for the study of weather. This website would be an awesome resource for teachers to use in the classroom as a rainy day activity or to teach science concepts.

This website has even MORE links to MORE Science experiments for the classroom

Snow and ice experiments - lots of fun and easy ones on here that could easily be done in the classroom.

Being Winter in Australia, this site has some great experiments for ice and snow.....and a great way to cool off in Summer if you are in the Northern Hemisphere!

I hope you have enjoyed the resurrection of my How Pinteresting series and I promise to try and be a better blogger with a new edition next week....if life doesn't get in the way!

If you have read all the way to the end of this post I just want to remind you that if you were a member of the Premium Graphics club to link up to showcase a resource you made using one of Mel's Graphics.  You can link up here or click on the pic below


  1. Cute ideas! I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Head over to my blog to see the rules and get the details!

    1. OOPS
