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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Planning and a Freebie!

Yesterday I got to spend time with my new teaching partner for my most recent job I picked up.  I will be job sharing in a Year 2 classroom 2 days a week.  I was soo pleased to pick up this contract as it is at my kids school and with my oldest going to high school next year..(EEEEKK!)  my kids were really pleased to have me at school with them again, now normally I would insert sarcasm here.....but they are genuinely excited to be at a school with me again, awww.

Anyways to get to the teachery part of this post.  I have never been in a job share situation before so I was very unsure about how the break up of responsibilities was going to come about.  In the end though I was very pleased, I am going to be taking Art (yay!) ICT (to integrate with the Science Unit for the term), poetry for English and because the students use individual spelling lists I am going to focus on spelling rules and patterns.  For Maths I will be exploring some of those areas that need revision to begin with, like fractions and time and then perhaps changing the focus a little later on.  The other great news is that I have picked up lots of other subbing (relief) days at the same school so I am beginning to be more of a familiar face which is nice.

Today I was in a Prep class and I got to use my second That Cat reader as well as a product that is in the making "Count it, Colour it, Graph it!"  For a sneak peek download your copy of the Under the Sea one I used today by clicking on the pic below.

That's it for today folks!  I am off to cook dinner, oh and get some planning done!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that is all great news Tania! I sounds like you were able to get it all worked out! I would be happy if I got to teach Art and ICT every week too!

