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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Currently April

I am linking up with Farley for this months Currently.  I aim to try to get this done and link up early but it never seems to happen, oh well it is done now.

My daughter is a beautiful piano player and we usually start our afternoons with her practicing.  It is actually a very relaxing way to start the day as well.  We all hope she goes quite far in her life with music, you can tell by her playing that she is passionate and it is a huge part of her life.  Sadly that talent does not come from me, although I am pretty good on the tambourine.

Earlier this year I bought this gorgeous red mohair long jacket and the weather was cooling down enough (for me) to wear it, but we recently had a spike of warmer weather, which I love but I don't get to wear my red jacket.  People, this is a real conundrum for me.

Tomorrow we have an excursion to the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, then a drive up to the top of Mt Wellington and lunch at a park before heading back to school.  I am not a teacher that loves excursions, I always feel like I am not quite organised or I have missed some paperwork or I am herding cats.  I just can't get into it, so I go into tomorrow with reluctance but I am looking forward to hearing the orchestra.

With my new role and having a classroom role 2 days a week I feel like my days are so busy and full that there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day, my list of things to do are just getting longer and longer.

Well of course this just rolls on from my last comment.  Sleep is elusive at the moment for a number of reasons, some nights I cannot get my brain to turn off, ever have that?  The other reason is that our cat has decided that the middle of the night is a great time to play and chat, friends I love that cat but I love sleep more, this could end up quite badly for one of won't be me.

So I get to school at about 8am, the kiddos are allowed into the classroom at 8:30 for us to supervise and we start teaching at 9.  School here ends at 3pm, then I usually stay from anywhere between 4-5pm depending on meetings, how much work I still have to do and after school commitments for my own children (yes, I sometimes do things with them as well)
At the end of our school year in Australia the kiddos finish the day before the teachers and we finish on the 19th Dec.  I actually would prefer to finish a week earlier and go back to school a week earlier, I hate finishing so close to Christmas.  We don't go back to school until the beginning of Feb here, it feels really late.

Righto, your turn to head over and link up!


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post Tania, it made me feel normal. Hope you get to wear your red jacket soon but I hate to say it, we in nsw are still having days in the high 20oC...and we call this autumn!
    Have a great week.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. Hope the excursion was fun....with the cats, I mean kids!

  3. Hi! I agree with you completely! I am not a fan of excursions (we call them field trips)..either! I feel like I am nervous the whole time and all I do all day is count kids!!! I'm curious,do you have any other breaks in the school year? It seems like such a short break and not much time between school years! :(

    Btw, an excursion sounds so much better than a field trip...It sounds like a fun outing, where a field trip sounds like a trip to a field! LOL!

    Beth :)
    A Kindergarten Life For Me

  4. fun to read about life in other places! Interesting how your school year runs! Boy can I relate to needing more hours in the day!!! Thanks for dropping by my blog too! :)
