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Sunday, 30 March 2014

Swap,Share Give! A blog linky from Down Under!

I am so lucky this week to be able to participate in this Aussie bloggers product swap not only because I love trying new things in my class but I got to swap with one of my blogging buddies Shanyn from Coffee, Kids and Compulsive lists.
So what did we try out in our class?  This fabulous pack Building Better Sentences Writing Simple and Compound Sentences

Why did I choose this pack?  I have been banging on at my kiddos about boring, blah sentences and ways we can make our simple sentences more interesting....tadah!!!  Enter Building Better Sentences, perfect! 

First I modelled on the Interactive Board one sentence with help from my students.  The week before we had identified conjunctions and adjectives so that we knew what words we had to use to improve our sentences.  

Next the kiddos had a go at their own sentence.   Then I went through all of the sentences and identified those kiddos that may have needed a little extra help in a small group.

Which is what we did the next day!  Those kiddos that had understood the concept were able to complete another sheet independently while I worked with a group on the carpet.  Next week we will be having another go to see if the concept has been retained.  More importantly I am hoping to see an improvement in their independent sentences!

What did I love about this pack (apart from everything?)

It was easy to model to a whole class.
There is a huge variety of pictures in the pack and I noticed they are in a-z order so it would be a great addition to a phonics program.
It is a great addition to my grammar program and once the kiddos were familiar with it most of them were able to do it independently.
I could quickly identify the kiddos who were struggling.

All in all, this is an awesome file that will be visited frequently in my class both as a focussed lesson and as a part of a literacy center.

Now the title of this post also has the word Share in it so let's get on to the sharing bit.  Easter is just around the corner so I am putting my Easter game Coin Toss Easter Bunny Hop FREE so hop over and get your FREE copy.

So what are you waiting for, click on the pic above to get your copy  of Shanyn's fabulous pack or enter the Rafflecopters below for your chance to win your very own copy as well as prizes from other great Aussie bloggers!  Just click on the button at the top to head over to Lauren's blog Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep to find more awesome bloggers with their reviews on some fabulous products.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Frames are courtesy of Ashley Hughes

1 comment:

  1. I just love Shanyn's Building Better Sentences pack! I'm looking forward to introducing it to my Grade 1s this week and in Term 2. Time to work on building those sentences! :)

    Miss Galvin Learns
