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Friday, 7 March 2014

3D freebie!

I seem to only be getting around to sharing the things I have been doing in my 2 days that I have on my Grade 2 class.  Rest assured the other three days I am busy, busy, busy!  My role as a support teacher keeps me hopping, I end up doing anything from talking a student back into the classroom, to making resources to help a struggling learner and lots of meetings and emails. I'm sure you don't want to see photos of those things so by the end of the week I seem to only have photos of my Year 2 class, (maybe next week I will take a photo of me at my laptop in the office I share with the other fabulous support teacher!)

Anyway, this week we are still looking at long a but this time with the 'ay' focus we made a list of words that we KNEW had the ay sound, then went to find more!  We recorded our new findings on this speech bubble because these are words we SAY The kiddos are loving the charts we are making to help them remember their sounds.  Now I will put the disclaimer in here that my original picture of a haystack with pieces of yellow paper hay to write on got wet from a child spilling a water bottle, so I had to think on my feet and create something new in about 30 seconds.

I particularly like his hair, I am calling him Jay!  

Then we used the highlight a word sheet from Babbling Abby's Word Work Mega Pack  We didn't have highlighters but my kiddo's do like to colour in!

We also finished off our 3D and 2D shapes work with a little make it, label it activity.  Here is a sample page from the packet I am in the process of making.  Just click on the pic to download a FREE copy.

I didn't get a chance to take photos when we finished as it was right near the end of the day....and it was Friday :)  There is more to come so keep an eye out for my 3D packet coming soon.

How was your week at school?

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