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Saturday 29 March 2014

Five For Friday!

I have missed the last couple of weeks linking up with Doodlebugs so I made sure this week I had some great (well....) photos taken to use in this post.

We created some African inspired masks in Year 4, you can read about how we did it here.

We used Mel's pack Back to School Maths Centers for a read the room of numbers in order to 30.  My kiddos love doing read the room, it gets them up and moving and sometimes they even co-operate!!  Notice the cards are printed in grayscale, that is NOT how they are in the pack, they were supposed to be color but it just didn't happen on the day......clearly the important thing here is ordering numbers.  Rest assured they are now printed in colour and laminated ready for next time.

This week we have been looking at oa making the long o sound.  We did a word hunt in books and dictionaries and then wrote our oa words onto the boat (please people do not judge my teaching on my drawing capabilities...I am certainly no Mel Loyd, heehee)

At the end of the week we started looking at maps.  The kiddos had to make a map of our classroom and create a key or legend to go with it, we also talked about what a birds eye view was and thinking about directions.  Most of them came out quite well, some were a bit wonky.

This was how I finished my week! Berry cheesecake......mmmmmmmm, oh and the wine was just to accompany the cheesecake :)

Head over and link up!


  1. Love how you started AND finished the week Tania!! One of these days we will get to share a bottle!

    1. Let's share a few bottles together! I think an Aussie blogger meet-up is well overdue. :)

    2. Oh we will absolutely share a bottle or two friend!
