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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Bright Ideas- Teaching fractions

It's that time again!  Time for another Bright Idea!
This month I want to share a couple of ideas on teaching fractions in the early years.

First thing I do is hunt up a few videos for the kiddos to watch

Then I give each child a piece of paper and ask them to fold it in half, we draw a line and then label one half.  We then fold it into quarters and label it again.  For higher grades we keep going up to 16ths.

I then asked the kidddos to write down what they now know about fractions, this is a great sharing activity.

The next activity I like to do is creating Pizza fractions.  I put my order on the board and give each child a 'pizza', a round piece of cardboard (this is a great alternative if you have students in your class who have intolerances and or allergies to many types of foods).  You can of course make real pizzas if time and money permits :)

 The students divide their pizza into the fractions, then add the topping to the correct fraction.

Each student then labelled their fraction pizza with the toppings they had included. 

I tell you there are some budding chefs in my class this year!  I hope you enjoyed this Bright Idea on our fractions activity.  

For more Bright Ideas make sure to follow me on Facebook  or Instagram 

You can find some other amazing Bright Ideas right now by clicking on the linky below!  Enjoy!


  1. Love these activities, Tania! Very hands on and great for those visual learners!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  2. This is really bright idea, thanks! Kids like play activity, they like drawing and excogitation. I think that's very important to cultivate such qualities as curiosity, creativity, wonder, and intrinsic motivation. You know there are many services on the Web that offer, like, to write my paper for money. So I think if kids have bright imagination and creative teachers help them to grow rapidly, there will be no need in such services. I like your blog and wish you good luck and more bright ideas!
