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Sunday, 12 October 2014

Happy Snaps!

I am linking up with my beautiful blogging buddy  Shanyn at Classroom Chit Chat.

She has started a weekly linky to share photos from your week that made you smile or makes you happy and I couldn't think of a person who makes me smile more than Shanyn.

I have already shared some pics today in my Five for Friday post but so glad I get to share some more with you!


These two gorgeous babies make me laugh every day.  My beautiful daughter is one of the most talented piano players I know and always has a kind word, she is a gentle soul and cares more for those around her than herself.
Mr cheeky monkey is bound to be a comedian.  He has us in stitches ALL the time!  He is such a curious boy and always asks questions, these are often pretty random.  His latest one was, "Mum do snails blink?"  If you ever need a cuddle, he is the one to go to.  
I puffy heart love these little terrors :)

This man is my rock and I am super duper proud of him!  He is my hero and serves his country everyday.  In just a couple of weeks we will have been married 17 years, whew that is a loooonng time.  During that time we have moved around the country and I guess because of that we have learned to rely pretty heavily on each other.  He is my best friend.

It has just been pass a year since we found our sister.  I love looking at these pics, they make me smile looking at our family altogether at last 

This pic right here is my blogging family, I love these gals like they were my sisters.  

Make sure you head over to Shanyn's blog by clicking on the button above to link up your happy snaps!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, shucks Tania, we are on your blog too! LOVE the picture of you and hubby - you look gorgeous, love your hair! I can't answer the question about Snails, to be honest, I have never even thought about it! Have a great week!
