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Sunday, 12 October 2014

Five for Friday

I am late linking up for Doodlebugs Five for Friday linky, so this will be a Five for Frunday!  I have a good excuse, I have been away, far, far away where there is no internet or mobile phone connection, so really there was no way I could link up in time!

So let's do this!

We are on the last week of our school holidays and we spent a few days up at our block.  This is a long term project and includes lots of clearing, dam repair and setting up a caravan.

We have a creek that runs along the front of our dam and is eroding the dam face so we have started to divert the creek and then we will begin to repair the damaged face of the dam.  We are hoping to get this done in the next couple of weeks as their has been a lot of rain and the creek is flowing quite fast.  

These 2 light up my life everyday :)  They love getting out into the bush, climbing trees and playing in the mud.  

We have lots of old machinery that we have found hiding in the gorse when we have cleared it.  Gorse is an introduced species to Tasmania and was used as windbreaks and fencing.  It is a prickly, horrible bush that is taking over the land and native species are crowded out, we have many, many acres to clear and it is very hard to kill.  You can see the gorse in the background of this pic, it is covered in yellow flowers in the Spring.

I finished off this file this week

We will be using this one next week when I head back to school.

and this one!

Head over to catch up on some more Five for Friday  Frunday fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I know I have visited your blog before, but just now connected you with Australia. How awesome it must be to live there! We have a similar destructive plant in south USA that was not native to this area. It's called kudzu! It's a fast growing vine that covers everything and is very hard to kill.
    Teachers Are Terrific!
