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Monday, 15 October 2012

Boo to You!

I am home today with a yucky old tummy bug and have spent most of the day in bed...starting to feel a little better so checked my emails and was pleasantly surprised to be find I had been BOO'ed by Wendy from Teachers Toolkit .  I have to say that Halloween is not as popular in Australia as it is in other parts of the world but there are some people who take part and Trick or Treat on Halloween Eve.  My first realisation of Halloween was when I watched E.T when I was a kid, I just loved the cat costume the Mum wore and every opportunity after that I wanted to dress up as a cat! (:  
I do think this is a really cute idea and there are rules to follow just like every here goes.

I've been BOO-ed by Wendy from Teachers Toolkit

You've probably all played the popular game BOO at school where you leave a ghost on someone's desk or mailbox along with a treat.  Let's do the same by sharing some love from our stores...

Here's how to play.  Choose a fellow blogger that has MORE followers, another that has about the SAME number of followers, and last, someone that has LESS followers.
Highlight their blogs with links to encourage others to check them out.  Don't forget to let your fellow bloggers know that you shared about them. 
Lastly, leave them some love by offering them a goody from your store as their "treat." 

The first blogger I am going to BOO! is Jennifer at Herding Kats in Kindergarten.  I love reading her posts and she was one of the first bloggers I started following, I was really amazed to find out how much we had in common after having a "chat" to her. 

The next blogger I am going to BOO! is Kelly form An Apple for the Teacher.  I love the name of her blog and I love reading her posts!

The final blogger I am going to BOO! is Kirra at Teacher Kirra.  She is a fellow Aussie that teaches English in Mexico!  Wow!  I love her enthusiasm in her posts, her bubbling personality comes shining through!

My Photo

Thanks to Cynthia from 2nd Grade Pad for starting this linky!

Well I have expended all my energy, time to go back for a nap before I pick up the kids.....hope they don't get this!


  1. Thank you Tania! I will post my response tomorrow!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. Thanks Tania! I hope you are feeling much better soon!

    Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra

  3. I found your blog through TpT. Welcome to our little blogging community!

    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner

    1. Thanks Christi!
      I am definitely addicted and loving it!
