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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Boo'd the sequel

I've been boo'ed again!!  

Tracey from Third Grade All Stars has boo'd me, this one is different from my previous boo and has different Boo rules, so here goes.

If you've been booed, copy and paste the above pic and these "rules" into your post.
1. Give a shout out to the blogger who booed you and link back to their site!
2. Share 3-5 October activities, books, products (yours or someone else),or freebie(s) that you love!
3. Share the Boo love with 5 bloggers- make sure you check this link to make sure you don't boo someone again:

Ok, as I have mentioned before Halloween isn't a huge deal here in Australia (well, where I live) so I don't have any of my own Halloween activities to share, but I will link to a few that I have seen around.

First like many others my favourite book would have to be Stellaluna, because I used to live in areas where fruit bats were prolific and also it is a great Australian author.

Front Cover

Front Cover 
 I'm not sure if many of you remember Meg and Mog but I just loved these books when I was a kid, the illustrations are fabulous.

Now a couple of activities I have seen around,

This is a great graphing activity and Jennifer from Herding Kats in Kindergarten is offering it free!  (Make sure you leave her some feedback!)

This is a comprehensive pack from my lovely bloggy friend Kylie at DownUnder Teacher.

Righto, on we go!  It is getting very difficult to find someone who hasn't been boo'ed so I will do my best but am not sure I will make 5.

1. Megan at Buzz Around in 2nd

My Photo

2.Amanda at First Grade Garden

My Photo

An Apple For The Teacher

Ok that's all I got!  I gotta hit the sack, we have our Spring Garden Fair tomorrow and I have to finish my stall sign, mount my kiddos artwork for display, finish my Lucky Dip boxes and about 5 gazillion other things.  Oh and I am without a Teacher Aide as the poor thing has been in hospital with an infection for the last couple of days...and she hasn't been replaced, so quite hectic in my classroom but my darling kiddos have stepped up and have helped me and our special friend so much I am taking icy poles in tomorrow as a special thank you to them all.

Bring on the weekend!


  1. The weekend is here now! Have a great one!

    I LOVE Meg and Mog - I had totally forgotten about it!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning
