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Sunday, 14 October 2012

Some Daily 5 pics and TpT products

I just wanted to share a couple of pics from our first week back at school.  At the beginning of the week my kiddos were struggling with adjusting to Daylight Savings but by the end of the week they were good to go!
Daily 5 is a part of the day my kiddos LOVE!  Don't you love it when they cheer about learning!  So here are a couple of pics of my kiddos during Daily 5

These are the sticker books I had planned to use for Working on Words

                                                         Here are a couple of my kiddos using them to practice spelling

This is my pockets that I use to store High Frequency Words.  We also add topic words and new or interesting words.  My kiddos use this to help with editing writing for the most part.  I was lucky enough to have a parent make this for me years ago.  (I just realised there is a coathanger hanging there????)

I also had time this weekend to upload a couple of resources.  The first is my rules posters that I made for my classroom a while ago, you can read about them here 
They are an apple and gingham theme and they are FREE!  Click on the pic below to get your copy.

The other item is my Space Race multiplication game.  It focusses on times tables to 6 and is also available as part of my Multiplication Mega Pack but I thought that maybe some people may just like to download it as a seperate item.  Click on the pic below.

We also had this lovely little visitor in the playground while I was on duty.  Try keeping the kids away from this one, hence why he is flattened out to make himself look scary.  (Yes I sent a kiddo to my room to fetch my camera when I saw him (;   heehee) 

Of course this meant I had to learn the Auslan sign for lizard, so funny it is your first 2 fingers and the action you make is like you are poking your tongue out but using your fingers.  Hilarious, I had about 40 odd kids out there all signing lizard.  Anyway he went on his way, hopefully he will come back another day!
All in all a good week, next week we start narratives!  



  1. I love those sticker books! We used them for home spelling earlier in the year! Was that a blue tongue lizard? The things you find in the school yard! At a country school we taught at the kids liked to throw sticks at Koalas at recess.... I love your idea for high frequency words - there is only so much space to display them in the classroom! What a great idea!


    1. I probably should have said in my post, he is a bearded dragon, there are a few reptiles around our school, particularly of the slithery kind. Apparently a bumper season for snakes this year due to the good rains and plenty of food from the mouse plague last year. They particularly like our toilet block aaarrggghh. Solution shovel and boots!

    2. Yes, I have just been informed it is a bearded dragon!! Good luck with the snakes this year - (I can deal with spiders, but not snakes!) You almost need a shovel with the yard duty teacher! What a different sort of yard duty you have!
      Have a great week!

    3. I forgot to say congrats on getting to 97 followers! I got so many more through the Aussie Giveaway - a fabulous idea Brooke!

  2. Eaaaaargh! Lizard alert! I am practising the lizard sign as we speak. The kids would have loved that little guy!

    Abs x

  3. Hi Tania,
    I have 'Boo'd' you - lol! Info regarding linky on my blog. I would like to offer you a 'treat' from my store.....

    Contact me at to let me know what you would like.

    Have a great week!

    Wendy :)
    Teacher's Toolkit

  4. I found your blog because Wendy boo'd you. I'm now your newest follower.

    Isn't if funny how we'll see something in a picture that we never do notice day-to-day???

    I hope you'll join my linky party and share 3 blogs you love and admire!

    2nd Grade Pad

  5. Oh my, look at that lizard! My class laughs at how I scream when we see a spider or roach. I can't imagine if we came across a lizard like that on the playground.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Janet! The lizards aren't that scary, the spiders and roaches are much scarier!
