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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Ladybug, ladybug fly away home.

I have been very inspired by Spring lately and thus my Ladybug Subtraction from 20 packet was created.

 When we go back to school we have only one term left of our school year and I always start to panic that I have not consolidated all the skills my kiddos need.  I have a group of lowies that just don't seem to have got all the basics under their belt this year and they will be moving into Grade 3 next year!  So I created this packet to go into my Maths Tubs (you can read about them here) so that they will have a chance to consolidate the subtraction concept while still being able to move forward with the rest of the class.  Subtraction is going to be a big focus in our classroom when we return to school, as well as division so there will be more coming related to these concepts.
I will have this on sale for 20% off for the first week, hope you enjoy it,  you can check it out here at TpT



  1. I feel you about the kids that still don't have all the basics. And to think they sit NAPLAN in less than 6 months time.
