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Saturday, 20 October 2012

Giveaway and Spring Garden Fair

Well friends this is a quick post as I am ex...haust...ed!  It has been a hectic week for a number of reasons

1.  Hubby is away so it is pseudo single Mum time
2.  I got sick on Monday...will spare you the details
3.  My Teacher aide has been in hospital (she is ok and fingers crossed we see her next week) and she was not replaced so I had total care of my special needs (extremely high needs) student whilst teaching the rest of the class.  Good news is I have a visiting hearing impaired teacher who comes 3 times a week so that helped somewhat and I learnt alot of new Auslan signs this week.  My kiddos were so great, they helped out by staying on task, reminding my little to go to the toilet, working on her lessons with her.  I was so impressed with their maturity and caring, you better believe they ALL got an icy pole for a treat yesterday.
4.  It was our Spring Garden Fair yesterday (I forgot to take photos!)  so I was busy making signs, wrapping lucky dip items and hurrying students to finish artwork for display.  My Lucky Dip stall was a huge hit with many return customers
5.  My daughter had a piano recital.  (I am her biggest fan!)

So it has been one of those weeks!  I also have my 101 Follower Giveaway starting tomorrow, (a big thanks to all the ladies contributing)  so had to give myself a quick tutorial on Rafflecopter and HTML code!  Well it is done now and I am going to do absolutely nothing (except some housework, cooking, walking/washing the dogs and taking kiddos to the pool) for the rest of the weekend!  Hope you enjoy yours! 

1 comment:

  1. What a busy week you have had - and all minus your TA!!! I have a new high needs SEU student starting will be in your shoes very soon...
