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Sunday 3 November 2013

Currently November

Oh man! I cannot believe it is already November, aaarrgghh!  I am not ready for the end of the year!  Well time to get down to business, here is my Currently for November and to link up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade

My dryer is working overtime today to get a weeks worth of washing dry.  Spring weather here is so random, yesterday was just lovely, sunny, warm, light winds.  We spent the day helping my in laws landscape their front yard...well I should have definitely been doing the washing yesterday, woke up to cold, miserable, windy and rainy, yuk!

On a happier note November the 1st is our wedding anniversary, we have been married 16 years and have 2 beautiful, adorable, drive me crazy sometimes kids.  We celebrated by going out for dinner at an Indian restaurant, one my adorable kids is what is known as a "fussy eater" so being able to go out to eat spicy food was a real treat for us!  My lovely husband also sent me some beautiful flowers that were delivered to school.  All the kiddos ooh hed and aaahed, they thought I was GETTING married, heehee.  We then had a discussion about anniversaries.
Photo: I got these delivered today at school from my Adam, happy 16th anniversary my lovely love

Here is a wedding pic!

Ah to be young again!

The next family event coming up is our son's 9th birthday, party at laser skirmish has been organised, food is being stockpiled and invitation acceptances are coming in...all on track until I have realised I don't have a present for him yet, that is definitely next on the list. 

My friend Alison not only blogs but is also a Scentsy consultant here in Australia....needless to say I can add Scentsy addiction to blogging, TpT and my Pinterest addiction.  I am just loving the Luna scent at the moment.

So onto my yummy Pinterest recipe!  I don't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a savoury girl this one.  We love this recipe and it is so easy!  Just click on the pic to go to the source.

Lemon Rosemary Garlic Chicken by #Lemon #Garlic #Rosemary

Well that is it for the beginning of November, head over to link up!



  1. Congratulations. I love to hear of anniversaries as sadly we hear of an celebrate them less and less so with a big smile from me...CONGRATULATIONS and may you have many more.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. My Scentsy is on right now. However, it is Fall here, so I have vanilla sugar cookie (Better Homes and Gardens scent from Wal-Mart) in mine.

    I may have to try your recipe. My husband would love lemon chicken.

  3. Scentsy scentsy scentsy!!! Why did Alison do this to us?

  4. My Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary is November 1st, too. This year they had been married for 39 years. :) I get migraines from scented candles and burners so don't think I'll be able to join all you other girls on the Scentsy bandwagon!

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  5. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I have been married 16 years as well. My how time flies. I love the wedding pic.

    Quinnessential Lessons
