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Monday, 23 July 2012

Flowery recommendations

I just wanted to quickly update about my apple pin board.  As you know I have used the grab line "Bite into a Book" to entice my kids to read and write about their reading.  I have been so impressed with how my kids have jumped feet first into recommending books.  To begin I modeled how to write a recommendation and kept it pretty simple as many of my kids are reluctant writers and I didn't want to overwhelm them.  Here are a few pics to show how they look so far.

This is the one I modeled and the petals show the students who read the book from my recommendation. They write their name and put a tick if they liked the book and a x if they didn't.

This is a student written recommendation.  I love that she used the word "vibrant" to describe the book!

This is another student recommendation.  I modelled to the students reading a recommendation and then reading a book.  I explicitly said I was reading the book because she had said the illustrations were "bumpy".  The illustrations were done in water colour and did indeed look bumpy!

This is the pinboard so far and I am looking forward to seeing our garden grow throughout the rest of the term.  I have loved seeing my kids spontaneously writing after reading and really thinking about why the liked/disliked a book.  You can see the post I wrote when I was setting this board up here.


1 comment:

  1. The garden has started to bloom...looks great! Sounds like the kids are loving it :)
